My services
Here are few session options, choose the one that resonates with you the most.

Tianshi, which means “Angel” in Mandarin, is a combination of different energetic approaches accompanied by the guidance of Angels. It was developed by Johanne Therrien, director and founder of the Tianshi School® based in Montreal.
During a session, I connect to your energy as well as to the Light Beings. According to their guidelines, I first transmit by channelling, positive and encouraging messages that your guides wish to share at this precise moment in your life, with the aim of enlightening you on your current situation. Then with the energy healing, I also help you to release unexpressed emotions. Also, your vibration rate will increase, thus bringing a feeling of lightness and well-being.
As a result, all these elements can clarify doubts and encourage you to make decisions. They can also simply validate intuitions that you already had, what you felt deep down. Each session is unique and adapts to each person’s needs. It is a wonderful combination to soothe the body and mind.
Let yourself be guided throughout this beautiful journey deep within yourself. I reassure you, each session is filled with kindness and harmony and will bring you what you need at this specific moment in your life.
How a session unfolds
The session is delivered virtually through an online meeting platform and lasts approximately one hour. All information will be communicated to you in a confirmation email.
No prior preparation is required. For an optimal session, I recommend that you lie down comfortably in a quiet place, and use headphones if you wish.

Intuitive guidance
During an intuitive guidance session, I connect to your energy as well as to the Light Beings in order to channel the messages they wish to share with you at this specific time. Several themes can be explored according to your needs and wishes. A card draw also completes the messages that are meant for you.
Intuitive guidance provides caring messages, informed advice and suggestions for avenues to consider. By no means can I predict your future. I am simply sending you the positive and encouraging messages that your guides wish to share with you at this specific moment in your life, with the aim of providing answers to your questions.
How a session unfolds
The session is offered virtually through an online meeting platform and lasts approximately thirty minutes. All information will be communicated to you in a confirmation email.
No prior preparation is required. For an optimal session, I recommend that you sit comfortably in a quiet place, and use headphones if you wish.

Akashic records
The Akashic records are often represented as an immense library which contains all the memories of souls and the Universe. “Akasha” in Sanskrit means space or ether, this substance at the basis of all life.
Consulting your own Akashic records is the way to access accurate information about the history of your soul. You can thus free yourself from inner wounds, blockages or fears. It is also a way to re-connect with forgotten abilities that could prove very useful in your current life. A reading can therefore help you to fully realize yourself and thus better understand who you are.
Rest assured, Akashic record reading is surrounded with kindness. You will have a positive and harmonious experience. This session will bring you the clarification you need at this precise moment in your life.
How a session unfolds
Some preparation may be necessary before the reading itself. Think about a specific question or questions you would like answered. You can also decide not to ask any questions and let yourself be taken wherever the Akashic records wish to guide you.
The session is offered virtually through an online meeting platform and lasts approximately one hour. All information will be communicated to you in a confirmation email.
For an optimal session, I advise you to lie down comfortably in a quiet place, to use headphones if you wish.

Contact with your loved ones
Even though they have left the earthly world, it is still possible to reconnect with your departed loved ones. During a session, I connect to the energy of the deceased person and to the Light Beings to transmit, through channeling, the messages and information they wish to share
with you regarding the requested person.
The messages can come from the Light Beings or from the person themselves, if they are able to communicate directly with me. These messages can provide answers, comfort, and valuable advice, helping you move forward in your life with more serenity. Experience a unique moment where, for an instant, our two worlds become one.
How a session unfolds
Recorded Session: The session can be recorded via an online meeting platform without requiring your presence. You will then receive the recording by email, which you can download and keep safely.
Live Session: The session can take place in your presence, also via an online meeting platform. You will have the option to choose whether or not to record the session.
Each session lasts approximately thirty minutes and requires no prior preparation. All information will be communicated to you in a confirmation email.